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What We Should Learn from Gen Z: A New Approach to Peaceful Protests on Finance Bill

 In a world often marred by violent protests and civil unrest, Generation Z has shown a remarkable shift towards peaceful demonstrations. Historically, protests have been associated with destruction of property, theft, and at times, tragic loss of life. However, Gen Z is pioneering a new paradigm in which the power of collective voice is matched by a commitment to non-violence.

Recent demonstrations spearheaded by Gen Z have been notable for their peaceful nature. Unlike past generations, where protests often escalated into chaos, these young activists have managed to convey their message without resorting to violence or destruction. The only significant injury reported during these protests was an unfortunate teargas incident where a police officer lost his hands. This incident, while tragic, stands out as an anomaly in what has otherwise been a series of peaceful events.

Gen Z’s approach to protesting focuses on organized, non-violent methods. Social media has played a crucial role in this transformation. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are used to organize, mobilize, and spread awareness without the need for physical confrontation. These tools enable a broader, more inclusive dialogue and help maintain order during protests.

Moreover, Gen Z’s emphasis on peace is driven by a deep understanding of the issues they protest. Their demonstrations are not just about making noise; they are about making change. This generation has shown that peaceful protests can be powerful and effective, leading to meaningful discussions and potential policy changes without the collateral damage seen in past movements.

The older generations have much to learn from this new wave of activism. Gen Z’s commitment to peace, their strategic use of technology, and their focus on constructive dialogue offer a blueprint for future protests. By adopting these methods, we can hope to see a shift towards more peaceful, impactful demonstrations worldwide.

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