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"We're Being Intimidated" Former President Uhuru's Spokesperson Stated

In a recent media briefing, Kanze Dena, spokesperson for retired President Uhuru Kenyatta, issued a detailed statement addressing several concerns and clarifying the status of the former president’s entitlements and office operations.

Key Points from Kanze Dena's Statement:

1. Lack of Government Vehicles: Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta does not possess any government-issued vehicles.

2. Cancellation of Fuel Cards: The fuel cards meant for use by Uhuru Kenyatta's office have been cancelled by State House.

3. Absence of Government Office: Contrary to allegations from the Government Spokesperson, Uhuru Kenyatta has not been provided with an official office by the government.

4. Withdrawal of Staff: There have been reports of staff members being withdrawn from Uhuru Kenyatta’s service through phone calls and intimidation tactics allegedly from State House.

5. Self-Funded Operations: Former President Uhuru Kenyatta is personally financing his office, including fueling his vehicles and paying his staff. There is no government funding allocated to the former president and his office.

6. Unaccounted Funds: State House has not provided clarity on where the funds intended for supporting the former president are being utilized.

7. Disassociation from Budget Claims: The retired president’s office categorically distances itself from the budget presented concerning his office. They claim no consultation was made with them, and they are unaware of the origins of this budget.

8. Withdrawal of Security for Former First Lady: The government has withdrawn the drivers and bodyguards previously assigned to former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta.

9. Unpaid Staff: The staff of President Uhuru Kenyatta have not been on the government payroll for the past two years.

Kanze Dena's statement aims to clarify the misunderstandings and misinformation surrounding the support and operations of the retired president’s office. It paints a picture of an administration that has seemingly been left to fend for itself without the typical government-provided resources and support.

This revelation raises significant questions about the management of funds and resources that are supposed to be allocated for the former president's office, further intensifying the political discourse surrounding the treatment of former leaders in Kenya. The statement from Dena underscores a sense of urgency for transparency and accountability from the current government.

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