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Nairobi on Edge: Police Deployed En Masse for Finance Bill 2024 Protests

A significant police presence has been reported around the Parliament Buildings in Nairobi in anticipation of the 'Occupy Parliament' demonstrations coinciding with the tabling of the Finance Bill 2024. The demonstrations, organized by various civil society groups and activists, aim to protest against the proposed bill and other government policies.

Witnesses in Nairobi's Central Business District (CBD) noted an increased deployment of police officers, including units from the General Service Unit (GSU). A GSU water cannon has been spotted parked near the Parliament Buildings, ready for potential crowd control. Additionally, a lorry filled with GSU officers has been stationed at the exit of the Haile Selassie expressway near Green Park Terminus.

The police presence is not limited to uniformed officers. Observers have reported seeing numerous officers dressed in civilian clothing around key areas in the CBD, including Kenya Cinema and Kencom. These plainclothes officers are likely part of efforts to monitor and manage any unrest or disruptions that may arise during the demonstrations.

The Finance Bill 2024, which is set to be tabled today, has stirred significant controversy. Critics argue that the proposed measures will place additional financial burdens on already struggling citizens. Proponents of the bill, however, maintain that it is necessary to address the country's fiscal challenges and stimulate economic growth.

The 'Occupy Parliament' movement, which has garnered support from various quarters, aims to draw attention to these concerns and pressure lawmakers to reconsider the bill's provisions. Demonstrators are expected to converge on the Parliament Buildings to voice their opposition.

Authorities have called for calm and urged demonstrators to exercise their right to protest peacefully. The heavy police presence is intended to ensure security and maintain order during the demonstrations. However, tensions remain high, with fears that the situation could escalate if clashes occur between protesters and law enforcement.

In a statement, Nairobi County Police Commander Adamson Bungei emphasized the importance of maintaining peace during the protests. "We respect the right to peaceful assembly and expression, but we must also ensure the safety and security of all citizens," he said. "We urge all participants to conduct themselves responsibly and avoid any actions that could lead to violence."

As the day unfolds, all eyes will be on Parliament and the surrounding areas, with the public and media closely monitoring the developments. The outcome of the protests and the debate on the Finance Bill 2024 will have significant implications for the country's political and economic landscape.

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