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Diana Marua Unfollows Husband Bahati Amid Controversy Over Footballer Photo

Folks, we've got some piping hot tea being spilled in the streets of Nairobi! Brace yourselves, because this one's a doozy. Our very own Diana Marua, the queen of the Bahati empire, has gone rogue and unfollowed her beloved husband on the 'gram. And you'll never guess what set off this digital domestic dispute - a seemingly innocent picture with Kenyan football legend Victor Wanyama. 

Now, we all know Bahati is no stranger to stirring up a little controversy (have you seen some of his music videos?), but even he couldn't have predicted the fallout from this particular post. One minute, he's just a proud hubby sharing a snap of his wife rubbing shoulders with a sports star. The next? All hell breaks loose, and Diana is hitting that unfollow button like her life depends on it.

The streets are buzzing with theories and speculations about what could have possibly gone down. Some say Diana was just jealous of Vic's fancy footwork and wanted to keep him at arm's length. Others reckon she caught a whiff of something suspicious and decided to put her man on blast (in that subtle, unfollow kind of way us millennials are so fond of).

Whichever way you slice it, one thing's for sure - this is the kind of drama that would make even the most seasoned telenovela writers blush. Will Diana and Bahati kiss and make up? Will Victor Wanyama be forced to pick a side? And most importantly, will we ever find out what really went down behind the scenes?

Only time will tell, but one thing's for certain: this is shaping up to be the juiciest celebrity scandal since...well, since the last time a Kenyan celeb so much as sneezed in public. Grab your popcorn, folks, because this show is just getting started!

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