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Urgent Call for Timely Release of Bursary Funds in Migori County Amid MCAs Concerns

As schools reopen, parents and members of the county assembly in Migori are urging Governor Ochillo Ayacko to expedite the release of bursary funds to support needy students. The pressure to disburse funds arises as parents seek clarity on how their children will afford education.

Central Kanyamkago MCA Eunice Odii, North Kadem MCA Olima Bonyo, and West Kanyamkago MCA Peter Mijungu expressed concerns about the delay, emphasizing that Sh146 million for bursaries had been approved by the assembly. They highlighted the urgency of providing answers to parents who are anxious about their children's education.

The MCAs revealed that Siaya and Homa Bay counties had already released bursary funds, contrasting the situation in Migori. They criticized the use of coordinators instead of elected MCAs and ward administrators for the verification process, suggesting political motives behind the decision.

While commending Governor Ayacko for prior efforts in revamping bursaries and scholarships, MCA Peter Mijungu expressed worry about the current delays, stating that students are attending school without clarity on when the funds will be available.

Siaya Governor James Orengo and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga have distributed bursaries worth millions in their respective counties, further highlighting the urgency in Migori.

Concerned parent Agnes Alego urged Governor Ayacko to prioritize bursaries above politics, especially considering the prompt disbursement in other counties. Alego highlighted the challenges parents face in seeking alternative avenues for school fees due to unsuccessful attempts in obtaining forms from ward offices.

Education executive Rahab Robi met with ward administrators and selected coordinators in Migori to initiate the issuance of bursary forms, with the process expected to conclude by January 29. Robi assured that vetting would follow shortly, and the governor would release the funds by February 14.

Acknowledging the pressure and delays experienced from the exchequer, Robi expressed the county's commitment to resolving the issue swiftly. County director of communication Bradley Oguda emphasized that any information given otherwise would be considered rumors, assuring that the bursaries with full details, as dictated by the exchequer, would be released promptly.

As the community awaits the release of bursary funds, the situation underscores the crucial role of timely financial support in ensuring access to education for disadvantaged students in Migori County.

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