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Shocking News As Governor Mwangaza Demands Unbiased Probe: Calls for Scrutiny of Guards in 'Sniper' Murder Investigation

 In the ongoing investigation into the tragic murder of renowned blogger Bernard Muthiani, widely known as 'Sniper,' Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has taken a bold stance, urging authorities to thoroughly scrutinize the police personnel responsible for guarding her official residence. The governor's impassioned call for an unbiased inquiry emphasizes the paramount importance of upholding justice in Muthiani's case, which has captured public attention and stirred concerns about potential political interference.

Speaking at the Baite Family Fellowship (BFF) in Makutano, Governor Mwangaza made a fervent plea for transparency in the investigation, specifically directing attention to the officers stationed at the gate of her official residence. She asserted, "The first people who should be questioned are the police on the day and night shift because they are stationed there (gate). We want transparency in the ongoing investigations. If someone is arrested, we want to know why, and it should be based on evidence."

Addressing speculations surrounding Muthiani's alleged visit to the official governor's residence before his disappearance, Governor Mwangaza clarified that the property is under constant police surveillance due to its status as a government facility. She emphasized, “The residence is guarded by the police the whole day because it is state property. There is a book at the gate which the police use. I want to appeal to the investigators, do not be biased.”

Expressing concerns about potential political interference in the investigation, Governor Mwangaza emphasized, “We do not live in a banana republic. We have a Constitution and are appealing as a church that all government agencies doing their work in Meru should not be biased. Do not be influenced by politics, by people we defeated in the elections.” Her comments reflect a broader call for a fair and impartial examination of the circumstances surrounding the blogger's death.

Seemingly perceptive of political undertones in the discourse, Governor Mwangaza highlighted the significance of transparent investigations for the sake of justice. “We want justice, not only for that child but everybody in Meru. We do not want bad politics in Meru, and we will be demanding justice and for the government to undertake its mandate,” she stated.

Additionally, Governor Mwangaza clarified that her son had not been arrested in connection with the matter, dismissing allegations circulating on social media as "pure propaganda." She expressed her dismay, saying, “It is a shame that we rebuke.”

The recent arrests in the case include Frederick Muriuki Kiugu, Timothy Kinoti, Kenneth Mutua Matiri alias Gasigi, Franklin Kimathi alias Ras, and Kenneth Murangiri Guantai, also known as Tali—a brother to the governor—along with Vincent Murithi.

The developments in the investigation underscore the complexity of the case and the need for a thorough and impartial examination to ensure justice is served. Governor Mwangaza's call for transparency resonates with the broader community, urging authorities to conduct an investigation free from bias and political influence. As the inquiry unfolds, the eyes of the public remain fixed on the pursuit of truth and justice in this deeply concerning case.

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