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Tragedy Strikes as 109-Year-Old Woman Stabbed to Death in Ntungamo District by Her 110-Year Old Lover

In a horrifying incident in Ntungamo District, the local police have opened a murder case following the stabbing death of 109-year-old Bakasisa Constancio, a resident of Kahunga 1 Cell, Kahunga Parish. The alleged perpetrator, her husband, Babiiha Dominic, a 110-year-old male adult, resides in the same house.

According to SP Samson Kasasira, the police spokesperson, the chilling events transpired on the evening of December 14, 2023, at around 8 PM, after supper. The suspect reportedly requested the deceased to join him in his bedroom, but Bakasisa declined due to feeling weak and having a cough. Both individuals retired to their separate rooms, with the deceased accompanied by two of their great-grandchildren.

The following morning, around 7 AM, the suspect raised an alarm, claiming he couldn’t die alone. A 10-year-old great-granddaughter who investigated witnessed the suspect wielding a bent panga (Oruhabyo) and was ordered to leave the room. SP Kasasira revealed that the suspect viciously stabbed the deceased multiple times.

Frightened, the great-grandchild sought help from neighbors, who found Bakasisa Constancio lifeless upon arrival. The suspect, Babiiha Dominic, had locked himself in his bedroom, where he was later discovered unconscious with a bottle of agrochemical beside him.

The police swiftly responded, rushing the suspect to Itojo Hospital for treatment. The crime scene was meticulously documented, the murder weapon recovered, and a postmortem examination conducted on Bakasisa Constancio's body.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the act of violence was a result of the denial of conjugal rights. However, the police are actively conducting inquiries into the matter as the community grapples with the shocking and tragic incident.

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