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Migori County Governor Amazed by Kadika Girls’ Brilliance at Agricultural Show

In an inspiring event at the ongoing Agricultural Show in Lichota, Migori County, Governor Ochilo Yako was not only captivated by the brilliance of the Kadika Girls but also moved to reward their exceptional knowledge and enthusiasm. The Governor, deeply impressed by the students' insights into agriculture and its contemporary relevance, engaged them in a thoughtful conversation during his tour of the various show departments.

Amazed by the students' articulate responses, Governor Yako praised their intelligence and encouraged them to continue their educational journey. Recognizing the significance of their contribution to the future of agriculture, not only within Migori County but also on a global scale, he emphasized the pivotal role education plays in shaping this future.

In a gesture of appreciation, Governor Yako awarded the Kadika Girls with a special prize of Ksh. 5000, given to Mr. Fred recognizing their outstanding performance and active participation at the Agricultural Show Ground. This gesture not only serves as a token of gratitude but also as a motivation for the students to continue excelling in their studies and contributions to the agricultural sector.

The award ceremony further highlighted the promising potential of Migori County's youth, leaving attendees inspired and optimistic about the region's agricultural future. The event stands as a testament to the power of education and the bright minds shaping the agricultural landscape in Migori County.

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