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Mount Kenya University Student Turns Into Motivational Speaker to Kifee By Saying This


courageous Mount Kenya University student has blown the lid off a massive exam cheating scandal, unveiling a shocking reality that has left the academic community in disbelief. In a TikTok video that's gone viral, the student claimed that studying at MKU could hinder future success due to rampant exam theft.

But that's not all! The student also took aim at the credibility of certain business courses, shedding light on allegedly underqualified lecturers teaching these programs. The exposé gained so much traction that even renowned social influencer Andrew Kibe was compelled to cover the story on his YouTube channel.

The student's hard-hitting declaration questions how a mere "definition" could lead to riches, sparking a nationwide debate on the true value of education. With concerns now raised about the integrity of exams and the competence of educators, MKU is facing intense scrutiny.

Is your education setting you up for success or a scam? Are business lecturers truly qualified to teach? Dive into this eye-opening revelation and join the discourse on the future of education in Kenya. Click now to watch Andrew Kibe's video and get the full scoop on this campus bombshell that's sending shockwaves through the academic world!

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