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Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has accused the police of using excessive force against demonstrators during nationwide antigovernment protests. Kalonzo stated that individual police officers who employ such force will be held individually accountable.

Speaking in Makueni County, he expressed disappointment at the police's actions, emphasizing that the use of arms against innocent Kenyans is unacceptable. Kalonzo called on the public to take note of the excessive force and demanded justice for those affected.

“We thought Wote was going to be even more peaceful. But, on the contrary, the police decided to use excessive force, and you realize this excessive force has been used everywhere today,” Kalonzo said.

He canceled the planned antigovernment Azimio demonstrations, urging Kenyans to remain vigilant in defending the rule of law. Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior joined Kalonzo in condemning the police killings, citing the shooting of an unarmed bystander, Brian Muendo, during the protests.

Kilonzo Junior called for a prompt investigation by the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) and held the responsible officers accountable. The protests resulted in several deaths, injuries, and property damage, including the torching of government offices and vehicles. Despite the disturbances, normalcy was restored along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway after police intervention. The situation highlights the ongoing tension between protesters and the authorities.

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