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Stop using Raila as scapegoat for tough times, Mt Kenya tells Ruto

In a striking turn of events, the influential Mount Kenya group has issued a resounding call to Deputy President William Ruto, urging him to stop using Raila Odinga as a scapegoat for the nation's challenges. The group, known for its political influence and strong representation of the Mount Kenya region, has highlighted the dire situation faced by ordinary Kenyans and demanded that the government reevaluate its priorities.

Expressing deep concern over the prevailing conditions, the Mount Kenya group emphasized that Kenyans are bearing the brunt of skyrocketing living costs and burdensome taxation. The mounting frustration has recently culminated in demonstrations across almost all counties, reflecting citizens' growing discontent with the current state of affairs.

The group's stance resonates with the sentiments of countless Kenyans who have been grappling with the increasingly unaffordable cost of living. Citizens from all walks of life have been struggling to make ends meet, with basic necessities becoming increasingly out of reach. The relentless burden of high taxes further exacerbates the financial strain on individuals and businesses, stifling economic growth and hindering progress.

Mount Kenya's message to Ruto sends a clear signal that shifting blame onto political opponents, in this case, Raila Odinga, is no longer acceptable. The group's members stress that it is imperative for the government to redirect its attention towards the welfare of its citizens. They argue that prioritizing the well-being of Kenyans over political rivalries and personal agendas is a crucial step towards resolving the deep-seated issues plaguing the nation.

As the nation faces widespread protests and demonstrations, the Mount Kenya group's call for the government to reassess its projects resonates strongly. It highlights the urgent need for policymakers to listen to the cries of the people, acknowledge their struggles, and take concrete action to alleviate their hardships.

The group's appeal extends beyond partisan politics, demonstrating a unified front with a focus on the common good. By urging Ruto to abandon the tactic of using Raila Odinga as a scapegoat, the Mount Kenya group emphasizes the importance of constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts to address the challenges facing the nation.

It remains to be seen how the government will respond to this influential call for change. As Kenyans continue to voice their concerns through protests and demonstrations, the pressure on authorities to reevaluate their policies and prioritize the well-being of citizens has reached an unprecedented level. The nation awaits a decisive response from its leaders, one that will determine whether a brighter future awaits or if the struggles of ordinary Kenyans will persist.

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