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Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka Displays Remarkable Forgiveness in Face of Threats"

 Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has announced his forgiveness towards Moses Munyalo, also known as Mose, who had previously threatened his family prior to the 2022 General Elections. Kalonzo released a statement expressing his prayers for Mose and seeking God's guidance after extending his forgiveness.

During the election campaign, Mose had recorded an audio message containing threats towards Kalonzo's family, which quickly spread across social media platforms. Consequently, the individual was apprehended and faced legal charges.

Kalonzo emphasized that after deep reflection, he chose to follow the teachings of Colossians 3:13, which encourages forgiveness and bearing with one another. In line with these principles, Kalonzo personally arranged a meeting with Mose, where the latter expressed his remorse and extended an apology to Kalonzo and his family. Kalonzo, in turn, forgave Mose, drawing inspiration from the continuous forgiveness bestowed upon him by the Lord.

The incident occurred on July 17, 2020 when Mose, self-proclaimed leader of the Kitui County Youth Movement, contacted Kalonzo, issuing menacing threats against him and his family. Kalonzo subsequently reported the matter to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, leading to Mose's subsequent arrest.

Through his act of forgiveness, Kalonzo Musyoka aims to foster reconciliation and peace, setting an example of forgiveness and compassion within the political landscape.

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